The compagnon Talents are professionals, semi-professionals or amateurs,
come from different corners of the world and work in yet others.
And they were available to answer questions for compagnon in a short interview. They all have two things in common: they have great talent and appreciate compagnon's companions.
This time we introduce you to a photographer,
, who is always out and about with his camera where life is happening. Lively streets, colorful personalities,
captured in soulful images in black and white. In a few weeks, the first photo book about his street photography will be published.
Before things get really busy, he takes time out for compagnon.
"compagnon of inspiration" - Part 8
Short portrait
Feyzi, 37, was born and raised in Mühlheim an der Ruhr and has always remained loyal to the city. He describes himself as a "real Mölmsche Jung". In addition to his work as a manager, he is a passionate photographer. On his blog OZ50, he presents street impressions from local and faraway places as well as reviews of technology and equipment. compagnon: Feyzi, it's great that you've found the time. Looking at your photos, the question arises as to whether you shoot analog or digital. What did you choose and why?
Feyzi Demirel: Both! I love digital photography because it gives so many creative people theopportunity to pursue their passion professionally without any training. At the same time,it allows us to work faster when necessary. You can see your results quickly, correct them if necessary or share your work immediately. In contrast, analog photography helps me to concentrate even more on taking pictures and my motifs, to act more consciously, to "slow down", paired with a picture look that youhave to work out afterwards with digital photographyand usually can't really achieve.
compagnon: If you are already versatile with your work equipment, could you describe your personal style to some extent, or is it also very versatile? What of your personality is in your recordings?
Feyzi Demirel: As things stand 'today',I would describe myself primarily as a street photographer, with a dash of travel photography. However, people play a central role in my work and I rarely like photos without people. I try out a lot within this framework and don't really think much oflimitingmyself too much to one style at the moment.
compagnon: When you're out and about on the streets, what time of day do people see you there?
Feyzi Demirel: Always,except at night! Iknow that there are some very good exceptions, butfor mepersonally, my photography only works with daylight. Maybe it's also my penchant forthe natural, I also don't like flash.
compagnon: After this shot, there are probably exceptions to that too. Very successful. Speaking of flash: What equipment do you always have with you on the streets of the world?
Feyzi Demirel: Frankly speaking, the only constant is my little messenger. At home Iuse my analog Leica M6 almostevery day, but when I travel andfor special projects I rely on a Fujifilm X-T1 with various lenses and a Fuji X100T, my street camera.
compagnon: Those are excellent cameras. What did you start with? Where did your enthusiasm for photography come from?
Feyzi Demirel: Quite simply, it's the best way to prevent yourself from being photographed. *grins* No seriously, the first thing I hadin myhands was the family video camera. So the desire and path to a photo camera was not far away, which Iluckily got as apresent when I was about 13. A Canon T50 SLR camera, which after years of use firstdisappearedintocupboardsand finally in a digital euphoria in the bay (eBay). Whatabad decision
compagnon: We like to ask photographers and artists with an affinity for photography about any favorite shots, whether from their own or other people's work...
Feyzi Demirel: I don't have a favorite shot, but I love Thomas Hoepker's photo series about Muhammed Ali. These expressive photos always give me thefeeling ofbeing able tolookinto Ali'ssoul.Beyond that, thereare so many other photos, series and photographers that inspire me andforwhichI am grateful that they exist.
compagnon: Photography very often has to do with wishes, desires and goals. What about yours?
Feyzi Demirel: The most important thingfor me is that Idon't losethefun ofphotography and that I can continue to photograph what Iwantto. I'mabout to publish my first photo book; I've been working towards this for a long time andwould like tocontinue doing so in the future. Having my own exhibition would be another goal for my work. Oh yes, and itwould benice if technical development progressed a little more slowly, that wouldbeless painful formywalletand make my wife happy.
compagnon: Thank you for your open answers and for taking the time to answer our questions. We keep our fingers crossed for your plans for your photo books and the planned exhibition and of course wish you lots of fun with your faithful street photography compagnon.
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