compagnon of inspiration - Part 7: Patrick Güller

compagnon der Inspiration - Teil 7:  Patrick Güller

Getting some inspiration from artists who find & create interesting things never hurts. That's why we now regularly bring you a feature about a photographer who inspires us with their work. These artists are professionals, semi-professionals or amateurs, come from different corners of the world and work in yet others. And they answered our questions in a short interview for compagnon. And they all have something else in common: they have great talent and appreciate compagnon's companions.

Our guest of the month calls a region home where other people go on vacation. And usually usually have their camera equipment to hand. However, this does not mean that he leaves his own camera at home as a local. Instead, he shares his impressions of his home with the whole world on Instagram and is gaining more and more recognition, which he truly deserves for his photos. This week, fresh from the summit with his compagnon backpack with us:

"compagnon of inspiration" - Part 7

Brief portrait

Patrick Güller is a young talent in European photography. The southern Swiss photographer is just 19 years old. The canton of Valais is his home, he lives at an altitude of 1100m and he manages to climb to 2000m in 30 minutes while drinking his morning coffee. Fantastic conditions for his sporting passions such as skiing and hiking, but of course also for his photography and film projects. He will be attending university next year, but has not yet decided on a subject. We think his fans and followers would certainly have some suggestions.

compagnon: Hello Patrick, nice to see you here. You've covered quite a few meters in altitude along the way. But you don't seem particularly heavily laden. Do you make do with less equipment than usual in the Black Forest or do you always travel with limited equipment?

Patrick Güller: In general, I always have my camera and at least two lenses with me. At the moment I have the Canon 6D with the Canon 24-105mm f/4 and the 16-35mm f/2.8 with me. Sometimes I also need an ND filter for the 24-105mm. When I go on an astro tour, for example, I also take my tripod with me.

unknown-2compagnon: As we know, this is a setup that many professionals and some of the compagnon talents travel with. However, we've found that it's rare to get straight into photography with this kind of equipment. How did you get started in terms of technology?

Patrick Güller: Four years ago, I really wanted an SLR camera. Then I actually got a Canon 60D under the tree for Christmas. That was the starting point. In the beginning, I used the camera more for filming. Many people who follow me on Instagram think I got into photography straight away. But that only came gradually. The 60D really was a great camera, but as I particularly enjoyed taking astro shots, it was no longer enough due to the lack of a full-frame sensor.

unknown-1compagnon: From the sound of it, we can forget the question about your favorite time of day to be creative, can't we?

Patrick Güller: No, nonsense. I see it like this: the best light is in the morning and in the evening. That's just the way it is. Sunrises and sunsets are something special every time. On the other hand, it's almost impossible to take artistic photos at midday, especially when the weather is nice. Of course, I also really appreciate the night, especially when the following conditions are met: A cloudless sky and not too much moonlight, which limits the visibility of the stars too much.

unknown-3compagnon: Looking at your gallery, there is a clear line in your motifs and compositions. How would you describe your work to someone who doesn't know it?

Patrick Güller: My gallery consists mainly of mountains, lakes and 'adventure' motifs. The connection with my home is clearly recognizable. My penchant for star photography is also related to this, provided the weather in the mountains allows me to get a good shot. In my pictures, you often find a silhouette or person that looks very small compared to the landscape. I find this contrast between humanity and nature important and meaningful.

patrick_guller_for_compagnon_backpack_kamera_cameracompagnon: You are still new to the scene and yet you have already gained a certain amount of recognition from other creatives as well as industrial players. Are there any role models for your future work that you would like to follow, both from an artistic point of view and in terms of their standing in the community?

Patrick Güller: Inspiration is always based on what you have seen somewhere. There are always other photographers who have an influence on your own images. It's no different for me. Two photographers who influence my work a lot are Alex Strohl and Johannes Becker. Johannes has already been a guest of yours and loves his compagnon. These two have their own style and always take breathtaking pictures. At the beginning of September, I was able to spend two days with Alex in Switzerland, which was very exciting.

compagnon: You're on your way to university, so to speak. Does that mean that photography will now clearly become and remain a hobby for you?

Patrick Güller: I would say that everything is still open. If I get the opportunity to do something professional with photography, I certainly won't hesitate.

compagnon: I'm sure your fans and followers will be happy to hear that. We're delighted that you were with us and took the time to talk to us. We believe that all doors are open for you in photography and we are very excited to see what impressions you will give us of Switzerland and certainly the rest of the world in the future. All the best for you, Patrick!


The pictures in this article were provided to us by Patrick Güller. The images are protected by copyright. The sole rights are held by Patrick Güller and compagnon GbR. More from Patrick Güller on Instagram or Vimeo

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